Seabreeze Mock Croc Patent Leather Belt

Seabreeze Mock Croc Patent Leather Belt



  • Hand-made premium quality leather belt
  • Seabreeze Patent Leather Belt with Mock Croc texture
  • Choice of nickel plated or brass buckle and matching Coleman Baines logo bar
  • Hand-made in England

Small 30-32″
Medium 34-36″
Large 38-40″
XL 42 – 44″
XXL ¬†44-46″

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Sharpen your look with this Seabreeze Mock Croc Patent Leather Belt from Coleman Baines, wear with suit trousers or jeans for a sophisticated finish. Hand-crafted in England from premium quality leather, with a textured crocodile print. Choose from either a nickel or brass buckle and Coleman Baines signature pin. Available in five sizes. 

This belt is made by hand in our workshops in Walsall, the heart of the leather industry. Renowned for our exquisite craftsmanship quality, precision and durability, our products are produced from start to finish, without any production line. This process of manufacturing also allows us to customise items that are made to individual requirements. This is the real advantage to hand-crafted products.  This product is machine and hand stitched.


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