Welcome Alix to Team Coleman Baines
Posted on May 11, 2022
We are so excited to introduce Alix, our new brand ambassador.
She started shooting at 24 and within a few months started shooting competitively. She works at Nottingham And District Gun Club, so she pretty much eats, breathes and sleeps the sport and is hugely passionate about helping others to learn to shoot.
She has quite a busy schedule this year, with County and Regional Championships, the British Open and the Second England selections all on the agenda. Good luck Alix, we can’t wait to see how you get on!
We chatted to Alix to find out more;

Tell us about your typical day:
Pretty much every day is spent at a clay ground in some form, I work at Nottingham And District Gun Club, and train there whenever I can around work, they are so supportive of my shooting. I shoot a lot of my competitions there as well, so I mainly just travel for championships etc.
What or who inspires you?
I have two amazing females who inspire me within the shooting world, Georgina Tamsin Roberts and Augusta Campos-Martyn. Both these women are inspiring on and off the range for what they do for others within our sport and especially ladies. They both have helped me a lot with advice and confidence through my short shooting journey, and I definitely look up to them.
When did you start shooting competitively?
I’m quite a competitive person so I starting competitive shooting quite quickly, about five months after starting shooting, and it’s been the best journey.
Where is your favourite place to shoot?
I pretty much live at Nottingham And District Gun Club so would have to say it’s there.
We notice you do falconry too, tell us more…
My partner breeds falcons, and we race every year at a big event. We also have eagles and hawks that we hunt with through the season. Our seasons run the same as game season and we hunt rabbits, hares and game birds. The same as game shooting nothing goes to waste, between us the dogs and the birds everything is eaten, and feathers and pelts are used for training aids.
Tell us why you have chosen to work with Coleman Baines.
I’m super excited to work with Coleman Baines as I love to support small family businesses and see up and coming brands doing so well. Their products are amazing quality and as a clay shooter that has to shoot in all weathers, knowing my equipment is protected is a huge thing for me.